LIONSHELL registered brand

Jul. 04, 2024

Hi, welcome to LIONSHELL, this post is about HISTORY.

In the year 1992, Mr. Sun, chairman of the company, after worked in the business of machine tool accessories, especially protection shield and cable chain for nearly 10 years, registered his first brand "Cang Shi", means "lion of Cangzhou". Register No.: 637588, if you are interested you may find this info on, the official website of "TRADEMARK OFFICE OF CHINA NATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION". This was our first step to set up modern management system, and at the same year we registered and built first workshop. Till now, LIONSHELL has more than 300 staffs, 2 offices and 3 plants in China region.

LIONSHELL registered brand

So, why we prefer "LION"?

My city Cangzhou, is also called "LION CITY", the symbol of city is the "IRON LION", which was built & casted in the year 953 A.D., it was nearly 1100 year ago! The "IRON LION" is an iron casted sculpture weights over 40 tons, height 5.4m. People built this sculpture in memory of DEFEATING of FLOOD caused by sea (thousand years ago Cangzhou city was quite close to the sea). So, the "IRON LION" is also well known as "SEA GUARD HOWLER".

For thousand years, Cangzhou city is famous in China, one of the main reason is this city symbol. There are lots of written records about "IRON LION", fortunately we also have some old pictures about it.

LIONSHELL registered brand

IRON LION in the year 1893

LIONSHELL registered brand

IRON LION in the year 1937

LIONSHELL registered brand

IRON LION in the year 1957

LIONSHELL registered brand

IRON LION in 1980s

In the year 2010, the city government built another new IRON LION and located it in the city center, which is 6.9m height and weighted 100.08 tons. However, the "SEA GUARD HOWLER" is still the oldest, the biggest, the heaviest cultural relic in China. People respect achievements of ancestors and carry them forward, new fashion creative designs of the "IRON LION" are developed.

LIONSHELL registered brand

IRON LION in the year 2010

LIONSHELL is honored to use this name, to contribute, to develop and to protect the honor and trust of our history and our people.

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